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Digital Governance Science Base: Analysis and Visualization of Structure and Neighboring Domains

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Κωδικός προϊόντος: 3939 Κατηγορία:

This Diploma Thesis studies the Scientific Foundations of Digital Governance on the context of the development of the Digital Governance Science Base. Having the relevant literature as a knowledge base and the experts’ questionnaire conduction for the representative approval of the scientific community, the Thesis provides the Digital Governance Science Base on the level of its definitional aspects, meaning the components of the Science Base that identify the structure, neighboring scientific domains, research roadmap and training curricula. It also provides modelling and visualization of the ontology emerged from the research using the open-source ontology editor Protégé. Finally, the Thesis discuss the findings on the context of the acceptance, importance, relational connections amongst them and aims to set the groundwork for future problem –solution identification processes that are scientifically solid and to popularize the ontological approach of representation of Digital Governance.

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